Sophisticated and stylishly is an incredible bunch of flowers containing a carnation bouquet. No wonder people have maintained flowers as their best choice of gifts for special occasions. Falling in love with this bunch of beautiful mixed Carnations is quite natural. The gift item is a bunch of carnations. Carnations are known as the flower of the gods. Carnations have a pleasing clove fragrance. Different colors of carnations portray different emotions. The bunch consists of thirty vivid colored carnations which are neatly wrapped in matching tissue paper. The carnation bunch is all set to make you feel special in any Occasion . This bunch contains 20 pieces and will certainly make for a splendid gifting solution when it comes to occasions birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings. You can also use it for special day's farewells, housewarmings, and even Valentine’s Day if you wish. These flowers are neatly packed in premium tissue paper for added sophistication and elegance a. The matching ribbon bow on top only adds to the charm of this alluring gift pack.
Product Includes: Bunch of 20 Red and White Carnation With Matching Tissue Paper Wrapping.