Surprise your loved ones in India with an amazing arrangement of red roses arranged exclusively. These roses are arranged in a basket. This aromatic arrangement will surely reveal your heart-felt thoughts and emotions to your dear ones. Send this hamper along with other Gifts to India through us and make your dear ones feel special. You will fall in love with these beautiful red rose's arrangement without a doubt. These roses look really warm and passionate and will delight any recipient. This pack contains 10 red roses and these have been immaculately arranged in Basket. This lends a sophisticated and elegant air to the gift pack while there is a matching ribbon bow on top. This has been tied for added effect and certainly scales up the attractiveness of this gift pack. These flowers can be used as nice gifts on a variety of occasions. Toblerone is that unique chocolate with a bold triangular shape, and a refined recipe of delicious chocolate.
Product Consists:
Arrangement of 10 Red Roses in a Basket
2 Bars of Toblerone Chocolate (Weight: 50 gm Each).